WIB Workgroup WM: Wireless Manufacturing
What we do: Our team is working on guidelines, specifications and requirements in several sub-groups:
- Network and architecture
- Wireless devices
- Applications
- External Cooperation
What we don’t do: Speak in favour of specific Sales forces, office personnel, sensor, network architecture or application selection.
Keywords: Wireless, IIoT, 5G, 4G, LTE, LoRa, WiFi, Network, Instrumentation, Sensors, Digital workforce
Actions Network and architecture
- Secured wireless data exchange, associated risks and learnings exchange.
- Creating basis for development of private networks.
- Understand the underlying nitty-gritties of I/T/OT convergence.
- Understand the requirements needed to develop private networks
- Understand wireless data quality and how this integrates/compares with the wired equivalent.
- Security bits as it concerns protocols, communication standards.
- Underlying wireless protocols and best practices for their usage. Global wireless technology trend.
Action wireless devices
- Industrial/hazardous area/ATEX certified devices.
- General sensors management (asset management) - where located, where used, etc.
- Understand the underlying nitty-gritties of I/T/OT convergence. (Common point for sub-group Devices and Network and architecture
Action applications
- Understand what is required to develop a practical use case for application of wireless technologies.
- Understand and leverage new technologies out there.
- Understand inputs for wireless improvements for company. Understand and support development of guidelines for reliable, secure and cost beneficial deployment of wireless technologies.
Action External Cooperation
- Influence development of wireless sensors/devices.
- Understand the principles for setting global strategies with vendors, for wireless sensors /devices.
- One frequency for private cellular networks.
- Get insight into how private networks can easily integrate into existing plant data domain. (sub-groups External co-operation and Network and architecture)
- Alignment on promotion of private network bandwidth.